    Students attending Dublin Intermediate School are engaging and creating content in the classroom using QR codes.  Students with their iPod Touch access the BeeTagg app to scan barcodes to learn more and even create their own QR codes later in computer lab using free web sites, http://snap.vu/, http://qrcode.kaywa.com/ or http://www.qrstuff.com/
    Students will continue this next school year and will attempt to catalog items from 5 museums in our community with the Dublin Historical Society. Mrs. Terri White's GT students research items in our local museum and create QR codes to catalog important items for the museum and to share their research with tourists and visitors around the world.  Examples of the use of QR codes are below along with pictures from the Dublin Historical Museum Project. 
    Students Researching
     Students visited the museum and researched, photographed, and gathered information about objects in their local museum and their importance.  Volunteers from the community helped with this effort. 
    Students then went back to their computer lab and used http://qrcode.kaywa.com/ to generate a QR Codes to display in the museum.  
     QR codes were placed in the museum just in time for Dublin Dr. Pepper's Annual Birthday Celebration.  Students created a QR code, which is now mounted on the statue in front of Dublin Dr. Pepper to commiserate the 120th birthday festivity.  Dublin Intermediate and Middle School students showcased their work to the world.  DMS students created videos on local veteran history, which can be seen in the museum.  Dublin Intermediate students demonstrated their QR code project to visitors throughout the day.  
     Example of QR code for Dublin Dr. Pepper Birthday Celebration
    Dr. Pepper Birthday Bash
    iPod QR
    QR Codes can be used as a communication tool for Parents and Students.
     Muffins with Moms Ad:  Communication with Parents
    • qrcode
    Other Ways to Extend to in the Classroom:

      1.    Create a Virtual Tour of Your School

      2.    Make Displays Interactive

      3.    Link Books To Online Resources, Link Homework, Link Worksheets, Geocached QR Code Test

      4.    Explore physical models and maps

      5.    Use QR Codes to Vote or Poll

      6.    Use to Make A Graph or Data Chart

      7.    Add QR codes that lead to book trailers to the backs of library books .

      8.    Add QR codes to math worksheets with video tutorials of how to solve the problems.